If you want to link the image or logo, or any of the text in your signature, to a website, such as your company's site, click on the image or text and highlight it. Navigate to the image you want to insert using your computer's file browser and click Insert. (It looks like a small computer display in front of a thumbnail image icon.) If you want to add a custom image, such as a company logo, navigate to where you want to insert the image, and with the cursor in place, hit the Insert picture icon. There are controls for font style, size, color and spacing, and you can apply different styles to different lines to make them stand out. Use the various font and format controls below Edit signature but above the large text field to customize and modify your signature's appearance. In the large, empty box below Edit signature, enter in your name, title, company name, email address, social network information or any other personal details you want to appear in your new signature. On the following screen, highlight the name of the signature you created in the Select Signature to Edit box. In the Type a name for this signature field, enter some text to help remember the signature you create. Click Signatures in the drop-down that appears below the *Signature** box. (It's the fourth tab from the left in the new message box.) In the new message box that appears, click the Signature box within the Include tab.
Click the Home tab in the horizontal navigation bar that runs along the top of the Outlook screen.Ĭlick the New Email box at the top-left corner of the screen, just below the horizontal navigation bar atop the screen. #HOW TO CREATE AN ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE ON OUTLOOK HOW TO#
See on Microsoft Store How to create and add an Outlook email signature It can take a bit of experimentation to find the fonts, colors and styles that are just right for you, but these easy-to-follow steps detail how to add and customize your own Outlook email signature. You need to add this signature manually to this message.Īfter all steps are finished, you have known how to create a signature in Outlook.Microsoft makes it relatively easy to add custom mail signatures, with hyperlinked images or company logos, in Outlook 2016 for Windows. Please note that Outlook does not add the signature to the message you opened in Step 1, even if you close to apply the signature to all new messages. If you only want to the signature appear in the messages you reply to and forward, in the Replies/forwards drop-down, select one of your signatures.If you do not want to automatically add a signature to new messages, choose None.
If you want your signature added to all new messages by default, select one of your signatures in the New messages drop-down box. You can set a different signature for a different email account. In the E-mail account menu, choose an email accounted to associate with the signature. Then set the following options for your signature under Choose default signature. You can also use one of the pre-designed templates for your signature. If you need a more robust signature with bullets, tables, or borders, use Word to format your text, copy and paste the signature into the Edit signature box. You can also change fonts, font colors, and sizes as well as text alignment. Under Edit signature, compose your signature. Under Select signature to edit, choose New, and in the New Signature dialog box, type a name for the signature. Depending on the size of your Outlook window and whether you are composing a new email message or a reply or forward, the Message menu and the Signature button might be in two different locations. On the Message menu, select Signature > Signatures. In this section, we will show you how to create a signature in Outlook. So, do you know how to create a signature in Outlook? If not, keep on your reading and find a reliable way in the below. You can create a signature in Outlook so that the signatures are automatically added to all outgoing messages. Your signature can include many factors, such as text, images, your business card, a logo, or even an image of your handwritten signature. In Outlook, you can create one or more personalized signatures for your email messages.
Besides, you can visit MiniTool to find more Windows tips and solutions. Do you want to create a signature in Outlook? Do you know how to change email signature in Outlook? This post from MiniTool shows how to create and change signatures in Outlook.